Okay. So I guess my title’s obvious enough. Yes, unemployment is skyrocketing in rate and almost every citizen has his/her own “raket” (as what Pinoys call them) to earn. As I was doing my tedious job on researching various employment articles I came across this certain post titled Jobhunters have résumés blessed. What’s more catchy is the subtitle: A competitive employment market has many asking for divine intervention. Guess what photo they used for the article? No need for drumroll, answer is none other than nursing graduates!
My point? I do not have anything against nursing per se (as I am a nursing graduate too), we are talking about unemployment here in general. What I am trying to sell across is that there is more to job seeking than just relying on some divine intervention. It could help, but seriously, it is much better to improve your skills and focus more on having that edge amongst the sea of fellow jobseekers. Having resumés blessed? Okay that’s their thing. Read the full article and have your say. Even the priest or whatever his position in the church is, can’t answer the question of the hopefuls: Why can’t I land a job? It has always been “there’s a reason for everything” or “maybe this isn’t the plan for you”, then what IS the plan anyway? Let us know! 👿
Sky high prices of commodities, minimum wage that is….well, minimum. Politics, corruption, endless speculations. Philippines is engulfed by its own people’s greedy aspirations. It is not doing us any good.
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