As a self-proclaimed social media junkie (lol!), I feel compelled to share with you some news and views about everything that involves social networking. Making proposals, social media creation, integration, and management is basically what I do for a living. Therefore, keeping yourself updated with what’s hot and what’s not is a must! 😈
If you own a business and you want to venture on online marketing, you might want to include Twitter on your list. Why? Keep reading!
Now let’s start with Twitter!
Twitter – a huge social network and a micro blogging platform that allows you to post status called tweets in 140 characters or less. It lets your followers know what you’re up to, share links, and most importantly communicate with your customers and drive traffic to your website.
Twitter as an Effective Business Tool
If you’ll look at it closely, Twitter can be of use to promoting your business. One may not see the effects right away but in the long run, having an online presence has its own benefits.
A short message can help spread the word, more like a domino effect. For an instance, when you want to generate sales, you can tweet about coupons, sales and discounts, customer service, and so much more. The possibilities are endless. To top it off, you have an online reputation being built up and that’s one step ahead against your competitors.
Twitter as a mode of:
Customer Service
As a business owner, you would want to communicate with your customers right? What better way to reach them out than on Twitter? First, it takes the formality to a lesser degree making it more personal and yes, fun. Establishing this kind of relationship makes your business grow and popular thru your followers by word of mouth.
Updates about your products? A new venture perhaps? Or another blog post from your business website? Tweet it! Let your customers know first-hand thru tweets. With a growing customer-base, you could easily tweet them about your new products, latest post, website revamp, etc.
Driving Traffic To Your Website
With a tweet, you instantly notify hundreds or even thousands of your followers every time you update your website or about the new product launch you’ll soon be having. Twitter makes it possible for you to build relationships with business contacts and customers.
How to drive traffic? Easy! Keep your followers up to date about your “new” product. Give them a sort of sneak peek on what you’re up to. Offer discounts or freebies. Keep things exciting and they’ll surely watch out for it. But be careful, tweeting nonstop about it and they’ll be annoyed. They will most likely unfollow you so better be careful.
How To Tweet
Yes, there are guidelines on how to tweet and we call it The Twitter Etiquette. Read on! 😉
- Don’t tweet constantly – You wouldn’t want to be regarded as SPAM by your followers. Space your tweets and you’ll be fine.
- Tweet wisely – Tweet about things that matter, things that would stir up your followers’ interest. Tweet about your business, current events, the weather, or maybe ask for suggestions about your new business venture. It’s all about strategy.
- Be consistent – One of the things on how to be visible on Twitter is being consistent with the “tweeting”. A daily tweet, or maybe every other day and you’re good to go. However, tweeting like once a week or once a month will accomplish you nothing.
- Engage and Interact – Nonstop tweeting about your blog post, products, offers, will yield you nothing. You’re more likely to be viewed as spam-bots and will lessen your Twitter charisma. Hard selling your products is certainly not recommended in this social platform. How to engage? Check out your “mentions” every once in a while and respond. It makes you more human. Check your timeline too and interact with some of the tweeple you follow.
In the end, Twitter, just like any other social media sites is all about interaction. It is after all, “social”. It does not guarantee your business any sales or money. However, it gives your brand a presence in the worldwide web. It’s the traffic, the presence, the popularity that generates sales.
Creativity and strategy are key to your business success in Twitter. Creativity with how you compose your tweets and strategy on how to drive traffic to your website. Interesting tweets build you and your company a reputation unlike any other.
Now you’re ready. Create your profile now and start tweeting!
Stay wicked!