Tickled Pink
Striped mesh sweater, CHOIES. Studded shorts, PINKaholic. Accessories, Streetwalkfashion Olive. Shoes, DAS.
Look of the Day –Light and comfy with my new loose sweater and an equally loose pair of shorts with of course, studs all over. Black and gold are a perfect match no doubt about that. 😀
I’ve decided to add hints of pink with my sweater-shorts combo. A pop of color won’t hurt the whole look. As I’ve always said, I wasn’t the best student when it comes to accessorizing so working around with what I have should (and must) suffice.
Visit CHOIES for the complete selection of cool sweaters, jumpers, and cardigans.
Now I know I should not do this because I’ve only worn one ring, not even an arm party but what the heck boyf knows how to take shots like this so might as well grab the opportunity at such an inopportune moment! I need some excessorizing intervention, what to do? 🙄
The reason why thin ankle straps are so apt is because they make an illusion of endless legs. Teehee! Maybe that’s the reason why I’ve overused my pink heelless shoes from DAS.
Apart from the reason stated above, I’m wearing an outfit with a pink touch because of Shoephoric’s “Wear Pink Kicks” Movement in relation to Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Simply submit a photo of you wearing pink shoes and they’ll donate to the said cause. I’ve done my part, have you?! 😉
Looks aside, I feel like sharing a few thoughts today. I may not know how other bloggers usually talk about LOTD’s and stuff like that but every now and then I talk about a piece or two about the thoughts streaming through my head. It has always been like that if you’ve noticed. I refrain from making it like a “Hello.. This is what I’m wearing. K. Thanks. Bye” or something similar. I’m not the person to inspire but with all the features about me in some of the blogs, I’ve realized that hey, I owe it to everyone especially to those who tirelessly visit this blog despite the nonsense rants and musings I post. Getting (and reaching) a thousand page visits a day is kinda cool honestly. It makes me want to blog more and post more, everyday as much as possible. Haha! Am I still making sense? To cut to the chase, thank you! 😉
Stay wicked!