It’s been months since my last giveaway. I’ve teamed up with Sgt. Sailor to give you a cool chance to win an arm party loot! Philippine readers only. Giveaway ends on May 12, 2013.
- Like SGT. Sailor and The Wicked Ying on Facebook
- Follow @Sgtsailor and @wickedying on Twitter
- Tweet “I want to win arm candies from @Sgtsailor and @wickedying!”
- You may also share this photo(
photo.php?fbid= 439955149431318&set=a. 429679557125544.1073741840. 415849938508506&type=1& relevant_count=1) on Facebook and tag 3 of your friends! Don’t forget to tag Sgt. Sailor and The Wicked Ying too!
Join here (wait for the page to load) —> a Rafflecopter giveaway