The Wicked Ying Just Got Facebooked!

In SEO / SEM / SMM by Wicked Ying

If you have been following my blog (which I doubt), you might notice that I’ve changed my commenting platform from Disqus to Facebook.

I’ve been weighing the two long enough to make such a decision. Which is which? Disqus, on a bloggers POV, is pretty much efficient in eradicating spammy comments through it’s own moderation techniques. While with Facebook, comment and interaction is done on a personal approach. So, spamming is unlikely too. It is pretty much a win win situation don’t you think? 😈

Plus, everyone seems to have a Facebook but not everyone has a Disqus account.

Thinking of ways to connect with my readers efficiently, I made a choice of choosing Facebook as my commenting platform. Let me know what you think about it.  😉

Photos on this entry are grabbed from the web. Happy browsing!