Tell Me Life is Beautiful

In Fashion, Look of the Day by Wicked Ying

Tell Me Life is Beautiful

Skyblue top, gold cuff, and nude heels, Forever 21. Kimono cover up, Binkydoodles. Purple ombre shorts, Fashion Dime. White statement necklace, Maxima Clothing.

Look of the Day — Colorful much eh?! :mrgreen:

Well, I’ve had this cover up for a while now but I haven’t figured out what to pair it with. Goodthing I bought this tube top during my last trip. They are of the same color so I matched them together. Match made in heaven?! :mrgreen:

It’s quite nice to try something that’s out of your usual pegs. Experiment is key. It makes your looks diverse and unpredictable. Whatcha think?! 😕  

Mahangin sa labash! Lol! 😆 I have never tried oversized shorts. Maybe I have but not so much. This is size 27 (I think) so it’s pretty loose. It works for my fitted top in this case.

This may be a single look wherein I have worn all the pending stuff my sponsors sent me. I’m grateful. Finally, I was able to post a look wearing their goodies. Thank you Binkydoodles, Fashion Dime, Maxima Clothing!! 😉


Props to ze friendship Steph too for taking all my outfit photos lately. It’s a nice bonding moment especially when you both have nothin’ to do after work. Teehee! 😆


One last thing, if you haven’t joined OASAP’s giveaway, you better hurry! They’re giving away more than a hundred items. Read more about it HERE!


Stay wicked!
