Look of the Day — Feeling a bit like a teenager with muscle tee and a skirt that shouts rebel all over. So why do I keep wearing black? As Johnny Cash once said:
“I wore black because I liked it. I still do, and wearing it still means something to me. It’s still my symbol of rebellion — against a stagnant status quo, against our hypocritical houses of God, against people whose minds are closed to others’ ideas.”
Shine bright tank and bold skirt (sold out), FEMMEX. Honey platforms, Gold Dot. Cross belt, Forever 21.
It’s already Thursday and yet it is my first post for the week. It does sound like a terrible case of procrastination but darn it, I think I have too much on my plate at the moment. Not that my blog is less of a priority but somehow having a day job and keeping up with a seriously gripping series can be considered as a thief of hours. I barely notice time going by nowadays. I go on series marathons and when we stop, whoa it’s 7am. I’m not used to pulling up an all-nighter but guess what, it happens. Covering 4 seasons within a matter of 4 days is a record-breaking, don’t you say?!
Anyway, for today’s look, I’m wearing FEMMEX which I’ve waited more than a month before it was finally released from BOC (Bureau of Customs). One of the problems we commonly encounter being a blogger (doing product reviews) is how fucked up our Customs office is. One time, I bought 4 pairs of shoes at less than $30/pair. I almost paid 50% of the original (total) cost directly to BOC. I can’t even remember if they had given me proper receipts. I’m not against taxes whatsoever but shouldn’t the service be better? They’re one of the top scums in the government honestly speaking. Excuse the language but it’s really how I feel. I wouldn’t want to filter what I say on my blog. It is, after all, my blog.
The diamond print tee was one of boyf’s picks. There are no “men” versions of this piece. (insert sad face here)
I find myself leaning over casual street fashion more and more. It is a way of easy dressing but it doesn’t have to equate with sloppy choices.
A rebel peg requires killer shoes.
Stay wicked!