Supermassive Black Hole

In Fashion, Look of the Day by Wicked Ying



Look of the Day — I’m listening to Muse at the moment and realized the song seemed fitting to my LOTD. Title for today’s post problem has been solved! Whew!



“Oh baby dont you know I suffer?
Oh baby can you hear me moan?
You caught me under false pretenses
How long before you let me go?

You set my soul alight
You set my soul alight

(You set my soul alight)
Glaciers melting in the dead of night
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive…”


I was reading this article: Huge Hole Found in the Universe when Muse popped into my mind. Personally, I think this song is too cool to be included in the OST of Twilight. I’m not really into vampire-y related stuff. If you’re asking me why? I dunno! Nevermind! 🙄



Plaid sweater and spiked over the knee socks, OASAP. Leather shorts, Vaintage. Eyeglasses, Bershka. Lita boots, Jeffrey Campbell. Necklace, Rarelove Jewelry.



Not long ago, I got an email from someone asking advice on how to be a fashion blogger. I honestly don’t know how to respond and at that time, I asked myself the same question. Hmmm.. That got me thinking, yeah right, what does it take to be a fashion blogger? The only answer I could think of is – you don’t. You don’t think of yourself as one. Just do what works for you and if people disagree, it’s okay. You can’t please everyone. There are 3 main ingredients (for me) in molding yourself into a blogger – passion, consistency, and fun. Passion is loving what you do. Consistency is keeping your blog up to date. It doesn’t matter if you’re posting daily or once a week. What matters is the conviction that you can sustain it. Starting is easy but keeping it alive and kicking isn’t. Fun? It is self-explanatory. Remember not to overdo it too. Another thing, make sure you have a goal. Or make it plural then, goals. Do you blog because you enjoy what you’re doing? Do you blog in the hopes of getting free stuff? Either way, no one is going to stop you from posting in the web because of wrong reasons. For me, there’s no such thing as wrong. If you’re after both, it’s fine. Go for whatever floats your boat! 😉



I love writing when my mind is clear. I feel like my thoughts are coherent at the moment so I’m not wasting time putting words into writing. I hope I’m able to let out these thoughts today. Currently, I am experiencing this good vibe flowing freely that I wish won’t be put to waste. So today, allow me to share photos of my latest OOTD! This is going to be photo heavy. Sorry (I’m not sorry)!


Do check out OASAP for new apparel!


Hope you like my all-black outfit. Pushing this through since it won’t be appropriate once summer has begun! Lol!


Love these socks! I can see Lina Tesch or Jane Dean wearing this!




Stay wicked!
