Slash and Spikes

In Fashion, Look of the Day by Wicked Ying


Army green top, PROPS Shop. Studded denim shorts, PINKaholic. Studded bag and heels, Forever 21. Spike ring, OASAP


Look of the Day — This is an old look when I still had the brown/orangey hair. Shot this one before we left for Cebu. I really wasn’t feeling like posting looks lately but I figured I had to.. It’s definitely been a while don’t you think?! I know I have some catching up to do and all. We’ll get there.. 😉  


Long time no post huh?!


Are the photos too big or what? Yep. The site may have drastic changes and you can blame me for that because I’ve always been complaining that I want my photos BIG! Good thing boyf offered to do something about it. Just got lucky!


Still wearing falsies here. I like the effect that I bat my lashes even more so.. Laveeeet! 😯



I’ve been investing on bags lately. For no reason, bags catch my eye faster than shoes do. This might be a fleeting feeling but I don’t mind.  All I get to buy in Cebu were bags (on sale of course).  


The shoes I have come to abuse whenever the feet call for a comfortable pair. I could run in these!


I’m actually testing the new theme (if you still hadn’t noticed). I’m thinking of the ways how I could make it easier to see the photos, the write up, the social links where you can follow yours truly, sponsors and ads as well. It’s still under construction and man does it take a lotta time! Thanks to the partner for the site revamp. Appreciate it a lot since all that I contributed was to “suggest”; he does all the tweaking! Teehee! :mrgreen:


Quick post today everyone. I’m still not over the Pitch Perfect movie. I watched it with Amber and bf a while ago. If you’re into Glee or High School Musical then that might be the movie for you (minus the corny parts). I’m pretty sure you’ll like it. I couldn’t even help but sing on some of the songs they played. Videoke levels! Lol! Any other movie suggestions? I thought of Les Miserables or Perks of Being a Wallflower but I have yet to download them. I’m afraid I might get bored with those two I’ve mentioned. Hmmm…


Stay wicked!
