Real Vs Steal: The Dipper

In Fashion, Shoes by Wicked Ying

Jeffrey Campbell addicts surely would recognize what I’m talking just by the title’s glance.

My recent purchase is a pair of Jeffrey Campbell Dipper, not the real one though. More like a twin. 😈

I haven’t caught sight of the real ones yet, but I’m far more contented with what I got. At least I could buy 5 more pairs with the steal’s price tag compared to buying the real ones. What I’m after is the style, look and feel. Some of you may have different point of view as I have, but as for me, better have tons of “steal” shoes than having few pieces of the “real” ones.

Bandage wedges have been around for quite a while now. I’ve seen same style but of different brands. Some expensive, some aren’t. A few of them are Givenchy Open-Toe Wedge Booties, ALDO β€œGersten” Sandal Bootie Wedgesamazon, and yes, the Jeffrey Campbell Dipper.

Here’s how they look like when worn:

As you can see, they are indeeed bandage-y.. Hugging your feet in extreme comfort.

And here’s what mine looks like. Pretty nifty for me, it hides my oh-so-veiny feet. 😈

It’s half bootie and half wedge. Not that I could rock this look with ease but they’re handy and dandy when you want to inject some edge into your outfit!

Entertaining thoughts of buying one?

Leave me a message on Facebook or drop me a tweet and I’ll send you the link! πŸ˜‰

More pairs soon…
