Pretty from Afar, Like a Dark Star
Sequined top and studded denim shorts, PINKaholic. Gold skinny belt, Forever 21. Red bandage wedges, DAS.
Hesitated whether I should post a look tonight or not. Well, I guess I already did, didn’t I?! Haha! 😆
This will be quick. I promise!
Haven’t shot in ages in this particular place outside the house nowadays… Maybe we all got caught up looking for new venues and stuff like that! What’s best about our newfound places is that they don’t have that much people staring at us like we’re some crazy narcissists. Uhmm… Yeah!
Happy much lang?! Eeeew! 😕
Nearly all of my photos have these weird poses doing this thing with my hair. It can be blamed for my uber long hair before and it’s annoyingly unmanageable. So if you see me and my photos doing the hair thingy again, SLAP ME! Just kidding!
My one and only shoes from DAS. I swear I’d work my ass off just to buy another pair from them. I’m dreaming and will keep on dreaming!
I guess that’s about it for today’s look. Bonding time with ze hubby tonight.. Another long night accompanied by movies and bottomless iced tea. I got my fingers crossed hoping the list this time doesn’t include horror movies.. 🙄
Don’t forget, PINKaholic’s new collection will be up tonight. 9PM, set your timetellers now!
Stay wicked!