Philippine Fashion Week S/S 2012

In Fashion by Wicked Ying

Sorry for the super duper ultra mega backlog!!! :mrgreen:

So where do I begin?? 

To start with, never in my wildest dreams have I imagined myself going to a fashion show live. Well, maybe dreams do come true!

The Philippine fashion scene has been there for quite a while. Pinays in general have a knack for looking good and proper so it’s no question why clothes, beauty products, online shopping, and department stores are pretty much active and running and selling!!

Now take a peek at the photos below: 

Lots of purples and pinks right?! Me likey!

Menswear chic! I love this collection! 😉

Kuya looks bored at the back. Haha!

Golds and all the cute little details! Great combo! My fave!!!! 😈

PUUUUUUURPLE!!!!!! Teehee!!!

I’m always reminded of Lady Gaga whenever I see this piece on my set of photos. I don’t know why! 🙄

See-through here, some slit there. Smexy!!!

All the beckies situated on my front row went gaga when this guy came struttin’ down the runway. I don’t know if it’s because he’s gwapo (he looks like one of the soldiers of the movie 300) or if it’s because he was wearing briefs that are oh-so-glittery! So I joined the becky craze and took a photo too. Haha! :mrgreen:

Graceful as a ballerina, Marina Benipayo.


I apologize for not crediting the names of the designers on each photo. As you all know, everything happens quick. My picks?? I’m head over heels on the collections of Tina Daniac, Norman Noriega, Jerome Salaya Ang, Noel Crisostomo, and Sassa Jimenez. Their pieces are a total standout and prolly the only ones wherein I can picture out, describe, and remember a look or two. That’s a quality every designer should possess, the ability to wow your audience and letting your masterpiece do all the talking.

To sum it all up, I saw a lot of metallics (I looove!), Crayola colors (green, orange, yellow, pink, purple), menswear with a twist, and more girly flirty feminine pieces (like Sassa Jimenez’s collection).

Hope to attend next season’s shows…

Keepin’ my fingers crossed on that one!

Stay wicked!
