Passive Me, Aggressive You

In Fashion, Look of the Day by Wicked Ying



Look of the Day — Someone’s wearing pants today… Who? Me, me, me! If today’s outfit is a hit or miss, that I do not know. I simply followed my own choice. For someone who is very indecisive, consider that as a milestone. Heee!


Feather-print top, neon bag, and acid wash jeggings, FEMMEX. Hologram heels, Fancy Feet. Feather earrings, Sgt. Sailor Accessories. 


“If there’s anyone near when we collide
we throw them in the middle
they can pick sides
as the plans turn into compromise
the promises all turn to lies
the spite builds up and i can’t get through,
passive me aggressive you…”


I can totally relate with the line of the song. Passive me? Downright true. Being an introvert might have something to do with being passive, silent, or indifferent. Or maybe because I grew up alone (only child syndrome)? Although I can come up with a list of assumptions, I cannot point out a reason why I am what I am. I’d like to think I’ve changed, I’ve improved, but all these are pretty much subjective. I don’t like to treat my journey to self-discovery as a client case because that’s far from what it actually is. Hmmm… That’s life! 


I have been wearing jeans quite often than normal as of late. That can be attributed to me wanting to be comfortable and avoid glances from fellow passengers whilst commuting. Seeking refuge to leggings, jeggings, and jeans bring my safety level up a notch. I don’t know about comfort though, that’s another story.


Feather print plus a pair of feather earrings.


I could label myself as a FEMMEX girl. Seriously, all of their items are sooo me. Lol!


New shoes. Hello HOLO! Another boyf-approved pair. I’d like to wear these out one day.


Cuff ’em jeans to show those ankle-straps!


Stay wicked!
