America is a massive and diverse country, full of countless cultures and all kinds of opportunities for adventure. One particularly interesting city is Boston, Massachusetts. Just like any city, it has its own distinctive character, and a number of things you simply can’t find anywhere else. Here are some of the things you simply have to see!
Photo Diaries Visual Storytelling Contest
To cap off the year, Photo Diaries is having a contest called Visual Storytelling!
What’s So Great About Tuscany Anyway?
So many people are booking vacations to Tuscany. It has become a red-hot tourist destination. Italy isn’t exactly local, so what does it have that makes it worth the long flight? There is actually far more to this little country than you would think and Tuscany quite rightly deserves its place as one of the best vacation destinations in the world.
Your Tea: Fertility Tea Review
New goodies came in fresh from our trusty local post office this week and it has something to do with ‘healthy lifestyle’ promotion. You might have already seen this familiar brand from other bloggers posts so I’m pretty sure you have an idea what tea-toxing is about.
Bored No More: Fulfilling and Vibrant Hobbies for Women
Finding a new hobby can be a life-changing event in a woman’s life. In our women’s busy lives, there may only be so much free time, so filling that time with a gratifying pursuit can add to a woman’s well-being. The following hobbies and activities could add a whole new wonderful dimension to your life…
Monochrome Mondays: High on the Beach
Hollo! Long time no post, eh?! This set might be long overdue but I feel like sharing with you some of the shots at the beach by my good friend Banawe of Photo Diaries. It’s kinda obvious how we both have this thing for shadows and silhouettes. More to come soon!
The Importance of Social Customer Service
Social Customer Service is vital to every business that wants to build an established online presence. Among all the platforms present, businesses most often than not have accounts on Facebook and Twitter. These two are the avenue to reach social consumers, the main target of Social Customer Service. What better way to grow and improve your product and service is to interact with the very people who patronize the brand itself?