I can still remember those days when I used to wear my mom’s pair of red stilletos and such shallow happiness it brings prancing around the room with it. A child’s imagination really does wonders. From that point on, I became so fascinated with shoes. All kinds of them. I watched as it transgresses with each era. From the …
Gloomy Sunshine
Before telling my story I have a bit of explaining to do about the picture. I took this one a long time ago. Probably one of my first hundred shots when I started to learn the basics of taking photos. Decided to post this one. It’s a bit reminiscent of the sun’s glare and flare which makes your eyes …
My Make Up Essentials
Skipped my typical make up routine today and opted for a simpler, quick and easy look. Usually takes me 15 minutes or so to get the whole face done. So I’ve come up with my new routine for a faster and not so “done” look for that natural feel. Starting off with a blank canvass, use a concealer. It’s …
Due to Bad Weather?
This day is just so bland to deal with. Good thing I got work to keep me preoccupied with lots of thoughts. Worked for a mere 3 or maybe 4 hours and the rest is history. I slept like a log and woke up with eyes half-open. Hmmm… What’s happening? Chrclmnky said it’s all because of the damn weather. Oh …
Meet the Wicked (witch?)
Holla! It’s me, the wicked witch…and now I’m blogging…or so it seems. I don’t have much to say though but still, I prefer this compared to micro blogging platforms. I do love writing just about anything that crosses my mind. But above anything else, I play safe around the white picket fences of silence. Speaking my mind out is …