Look of the Day — Who says overalls are for kids only? Or better yet, for 90’s babies only? Okay, so it was a real fad back then, I had them in skirt, pants, and even the shorts version. I know right? Lol!
Cloud print top and necklace, FEMMEX. Denim overall, Topshop. Heels, Primadonna.
I’ve named this look Overall Throwback for two reasons: one, because I’m wearing overalls obviously and two, I did a little throwback of what I’ve worn in the past. It’s not Thursday (as in #ThrowbackThursday) but I’ve learned a lot with my back-reading. Writing in this post in the wee hours and eventually getting bored browsing stuff and whatnots led me to my old account. I found myself checking on what I’ve worn during my 365 days project and I could sum it up with one word: noob. Right, I admit my fashion faux pas and a lot of times I’ve said in my mind “WTF was I wearing?”. I cringe! We all had to start somewhere. I’d say if Lookbook did not stir enough interest in me, I wouldn’t be where I am now, in the blogosphere at least.
Love love love the 90’s. It’s the time where MTV was cool (as well as music vids), Bananas in Pajamas were still aired, Cartoon Network had fun shows, and Linkin Park’s One Step Closer vid scares the shit out of me. As I said, we all had to start somewhere. Would you believe me if I told you Beyonce wore overalls before?
IKR? Haha! N*Sync even wore it so it’s safe to say JT wore it at some point in time too. Google 90’s overalls. The image results are familiar…it’s like nostalgia punched you in the face. The deal here is, history repeats itself. In this case, fashion trends. I’ve learned never to say never. You’d never know when the things you swore not to wear will be cool again and you might find yourself liking it (strangely).
I love my own version of the denim overall trend too. I snagged this on sale at Topshop Cebu. I feel lucky (and petite) enough that a size 0 still fits me. Yay!
Hope you like my LOTD!
Stay wicked!
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