New In: Binkydoodles and Urban Dressing
What I got from the mail this week. Awesome sponsors are awesome!!! 😈
First is from Binky of Binkydoodles. She’s a friend / young designer that I virtually met in Lookbook. She sends me a few of her own designs occasionally be it clothes or accessories.
What she sent me this time?! A sheer kimono cover up and a pair of printed leggings. Colors galore!!
And of course, accessories. Laveeeet! Haha! <3
Next is a pretty longsleeve top from Urban Dressing.
I personally chose this top because I don’t think I have something of this design and color. What do you think?!
Which are your favorites?! As early as now I’m already thinking how I could incorporate these into my looks. Any idea?! Heylp me!!
Thank you so much Binkydoodles and Urban Dressing for the goodies!
Til next haul! 😉
Stay wicked!