My First NSMBL Post

In Fashion by Wicked Ying

My First NSMBL Post


Remember when I spent the whole Sunday night cramming for my article contribution for an online magazine?! Well, this was it. I was privileged to be the only Filipina in NSMBL’s masthead roster. It may not be a big deal for anybody but it certainly is for me. I see it as an opportunity to promote local products. Sooooooo, if you know any cool brand or product, lemme know then! Thankeee! :mrgreen: 

Seeing my name aka Mariel’s Fashion Fix (and my “half bod” photo) on their homepage as cover story is too cool not to share. Yes, that’s yours truly in the above photo but you can’t see my face though. Lol! 😆

For this post, I asked the permission of the DAS sisters and Joco of JocoShoes. Thank you! 😉


That’s about it!


Any idea what would be a great “nsmbl” trend to share with the world?! I’m due to submit another collage. Time to cram now.. Weekend is swiftly coming! 😕


Stay wicked!
