Monochrome Mondays: So It Begins

In Literary, Opinions, and Reviews, Photography by Wicked Ying


Familiar one, huh? Allow me to refresh your memory. I’m not sure if you’re aware of my long existing problem on creating titles but this quote is where the inspiration of my previous post A Million Gray Areas came from.


Speaking of inspirations, there’s something about black and white photography that makes an image look rather deep and artsy. It evokes an emotion or an expression that is strangely more subjective than objective. I can’t quite pinpoint why I have this certain fascination to anything ‘black and white’. Is it the minimalism, the varying shades of grey, or the melancholic effect it emanates?


Whatever the reason, monochrome for me is a representation of opposites — black and white, happy and sad, life and death, love and hate. I have this theatre masks tattoo to remind me that life is one big contradiction; a paradox meant to be lived and experienced even without you asking for it.



Starting this series called Monochrome Mondays in high hopes of keeping my blog loaded with fresh posts (biweekly…?) and while I’m at it, I could totes use some of my old unpublished collab photos from eons ago!


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