Monochromatic Foliage

In Fashion, Look of the Day by Wicked Ying


Look of the Day — Can you tell that I’m wearing a print full of leaves? I can’t think of a better way to call it other than foliage. It doesn’t hurt that it comes in black and white too. The title today’s quite predictable, just the way I like it.


Black and white leaf print open back dress, Inlovewithfashion. Quilted bag, Mango. Silver pumps, Gold Dot. Arm party, Craftydetails



One of the things I enjoy every month would probably be the goodies I get from sponsors. Inlovewithfashion never fails to produce an array of romantic dresses. I secretly visit their “new arrivals” section to check on stocks mentally making a wishlist so I’d know what to pick when they’d send me their stuff. And oh, while we’re at it, don’t forget to use the code “wickedying25” to get 25% off on full-priced dresses. I know a few who were able to buy theirs so it’s not too late to grab yours ASAP.


Each dress from them gives a no-fail instaglam (hashtag. lol!) look. It’s quite hard to narrow down your choices to two. That’s my monthly dilemma. Teehee! 😉


There’s a ton of details I like about this dress. One, it’s a subtle black and white print. Second, the halter neckline is something new for me. Third, there’s a surprise cutout at the back. Fourth, the cut and fit is impeccable. 


A trendy arm party is all I need to seal the deal.


Sticking to silver things and blings.. What do you think?


Karine pumps from Gold Dot. Looove the pointy toe and the structured wedges. The rubbery soles make it super comfy to walk in. Now I’m thinking about the gold ones. Should I? Yes?! :mrgreen:





Now setting aside the LOTD topic, I’ve been wanting to share my thoughts. Doing it lets out some pent up steam brimming in my head. I’ve tried not to share it with my past posts but somehow, there’s more to this blog than just fashion musings. After bouts of introspection, reading random posts on Facebook, blog-hopping, I realized everyone’s feeling a wee bit of pressure. In one way or another, we are pressured — be it about job, life experiences, and most commonly, love life. Haha! Pressure, busy, stress. I kept reading about them and people complaining. Are we really suffering from them? A photo I shared before says “stop glorifying the word busy”. Maybe it is true. We indulge ourselves with the word busy. Why? Maybe because it is synonymous with productivity. We don’t want to be perceived as stagnant, or worse, mediocre. Those are just some of my observations though. No pun’ intended. Lol! Thoughts?


Stay wicked!
