Memorata: A Shopping Experience

In PR by Wicked Ying


Whenever I go on trips, one of the things I love to do is shoe-hunting or shoe-shopping or just plain visiting shoe stores. We girls dig that, right? Letting out some good old oohs and aahs and occasionally closing your eyes as you approach the counter telling yourself “Oh no! Not again!”. That happy feeling you get buying a new pair of shoes? Priceless! 

Dropped by Celine store at SM Cebu to check out Memorata by CLN shoes. These were on sale by the way. I was so bummed that I wasn’t able to bring my GCs with me. I could’ve bought a pair or two. (insert sad face here)


Check out the pretty display. I think I just went to shoe heaven!


Most (if not all) of these shoes were on sale at 50% off.



Visit Memorata by CLN page for more updates. They usually have this crazy online promos and discounts so make sure to check them out regularly.

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