
In Fashion, Look of the Day by Wicked Ying



Look of the Day — Channeling the sport luxe trend today. Not entirely sporty but I feel a bit athletic in this ensemble. Promise! I remember Lorde’s song Tennis Court in these and it isn’t hard to see why. It’s like I’m wearing tennis skirt with this little white frilly thing. Quite flattering in a not-so-flattering color. Teehee!


“Don’t you think that it’s boring how people talk
Making smart with their words again, well I’m bored
Because I’m doing this for the thrill of it, killin’ it
Never not chasing a million things I want
And I am only as young as the minute is full of it
Getting pumped up on the little bright things I bought
But I know they’ll never own me


Turtleneck crop top, Topshop. Frill skirt, SprucePH. Lace up sandals, Fancy Feet. Trixie sling bag, Maxene’s Closet. Neckpiece, Rarelove Jewelry.



A rush of blood to the head — it’s the most accurate description I could think of as to what I feel right this very moment. I would have preferred it as my title but I’m keeping it fashion-esque this time. Anyway, I’m embracing my nocturnal instincts as I’m typing this post in the wee hours on a Friday night (technically Saturday AM). I’m being (sort of) productive given that my Friday night plans with Steph came to a halt because of the stormy weather. If it weren’t for signal number 1 warning and relentless rain, we’re probably out at who knows where. So now, I’m tossing my attention between typing here and watching the second season of The Borgias (no spoilers please). It is disheartening to find out that the internet connection is not cooperating with me tonight. Booo!


Whenever I shoot sets of outfit, which averages around 3 of them in one afternoon, I find it weird that I play favorites amongst the batch. Maybe it’s because of how the photos turn out or how the outfit seemed to work as a whole. Sometimes, the looks I envisioned don’t transpire well. No photo editing nor sharing is ever realized when that happens. It results into being buried in folders upon folders of OOTD raw files. Not this time though; I like what I’m wearing in this post. Thus, photo overload!


Practical? Check!

Sleek? Check!

Comfy? Hell yeah! 😈


Like almost every outfit, the choice of accessories can make it or break it. As for this look, it draws the line between being too plain to something attention-grabbing. It became the outfit’s focal point straight away!


Surely made a statement, albeit the slightly heavy weight. Nevertheless, thank you Rarelove Jewelry for this artsy piece.


A punch of electric blue Trixie is just what I need to give my blanc et noir outfit a pop! An easy sling bag where I can stuff my daily essentials here without worrying about it being bulky and all. We don’t want that, right? 



Dare to give sportswear + luxe a shot? Start with baseball tees, jersey dress, structured tops, mesh blends, trainers, or track pants. One of the items I have yet to find with regards to this sport luxe spring trend are the joggers. If you can find them, do let me know! I’d love to try one out (in leather preferably) with heels no less!


 And oh, before I forget… Cheers to my 200th look! *after my 365 looks challenge of course* 


Hope you enjoyed reading this post. Seriously. I’m not really chatty like this but I feel like sharing tips and expressing what I like (fashion-wise or not). As random as it gets, yes? Hey, I didn’t stay up all night just to post pictures. Time check, it’s 8AM!


Stay wicked!
