Look 83: White Out

In 365 Look Challenge, Fashion by Wicked Ying

Look 83

White Out

White crop train back top, Pinkaholic. Slim fit jeans, Penshoppe. Yellow pumps, thrifted.

Don’t I look bigger in this photo? Hihi… :mrgreen: Love the fact that 50mm lens doesn’t stretch me out that much unlike the 17-40mm. However, my legs look shorter. 😕

I feel uneasy when wearing pants nowadays. I am just so used wearing shorts (no matter what kind).

By the way, I bought blue pumps. The other one is a red peeptoe stiletto. On transit I suppose, hope to have them tomorrow. Geez! I have four new pairs to feature this week! “4 Shoes in a Week Part II” 😈 Somebody stop me from all this impulsive shoe buying!! I’m starting to wonder why is this happening in the first place. I dig it though. Love all my baby shoesies!

Gotta rush! I’ll be enjoying my day long break from the internet… 😉