Look 66
Brown sequined dress, from a local department store. Black patent peeptoe heels, Parisian.
Sorry for the haphazardly done photo editing and stitching. Didn’t realize it was already 7PM. I was enjoying myself browsing through some online shops and drooling over some of the items that I’ve come to forget about my commitment on my 365 challenge. 😈 I got my eye on some shoes….and bags too! Grrr… All the waiting on these pre order stuff is killing me! I want my new shoesies now! 😈
I’ve been meaning to find myself some R&R today. I feel sleepy the whole day, seriously. I dozed off to sleep at 4AM (how late), an excruciating toothache keeps me from falling asleep. 😥 I think I need to get some dental work done soon on my day off. I’m afraid to go though.
Had to increase the canvas size on this outtake. Posted this one on Chictopia, had to be 600 x 400 pixels. Oh well!
I’m asking you one of my favorite question to ask on Twitter. What is everyone up to lately? 😈
Thank you readers. Spread the good vibes. Don’t hate…..appreciate! 😉
Wicked Ying signing off…. *wicked mode*