Look 58: And It Was All Yellow

In 365 Look Challenge, Fashion, Wicked by Wicked Ying

Look 58

And It Was All Yellow

Yellow eyelet dress, too old to remember where I bought it. Slingback wedges, from Miss Jen.

Title was taken from Coldplay’s song – Yellow, you should try listening to Orleya’s rendition of the same song too.

Seeing my new posts is a breath of fresh air, haven’t seen my looks in broad daylight for quite a while. This set was fun. I have occasionally used this dress maybe twice not so often because I don’t have a black tube top to wear underneath it. Good thing I own a black tube top now. The neckline was some sort of a deep V.  The eyelet details on this dress makes it look so fresh and summer-y. Been looking for one in white, but only this color and green so I preferred the latter.

I got the chance to watch the movie I Am Number Four today. It was nice, it’s just the added “love story” that makes the movie so shitty. I would’ve loved it if it were content packed and substantial.

Now please, don’t mind my super vein-y legs!

Meet Justin, the wild and berserk hyperactive doggie. He eats everything food or not, seriously. 😈