Look 358: Skinny Cow

In 365 Look Challenge, Fashion by Wicked Ying

Look 358

Skinny Cow

Cropped bustier and accessories, PINKaholic. Pink tutu skirt, Dimmy’s. Red bandage wedges, DAS.


Skinny cow huh?! This was the second part of our little adventure. Haha! We sneaked into an upscale village here in our city only to find out that there’s a farm-ish location despite the quaint and lavish houses lined up. We were quick to set up our gears and conduct a mini shoot. I was fortunate enough not to have some onlookers at the scene. Whew! :mrgreen:

Now about the look, I wanted it to be quite princess-y. Thus, the tutu skirt. Being forgetful like I always am, I had not bring the DIY tiara I used last Halloween. Bummer! That would’ve been a cute addition to the peg I was aiming for, right?!

A change of scenery is a relief. I’m having fun with all this crazy shoots were having. Enjoying the last few days of my 365 Looks project!

Enjoying could also mean taking the opportunity to pose with animals. Haha! See? I told you I was brave that much to go near the cow. At the back of my mind I was damn sure I’d be dead if this animal would head straight at me like a bull! Thankful nothing happened.. Teehee!

Doggies — Charcoal, Amber, Penguin

Meet our pack! I’m sure you’ve seen Amber numerous times in my outfit shots but she has comrades too, her daughters to be exact. I now introduce you to Charcoal and Penguin. They got the weirdest names, yes?! You might ask me why, but I do not have any idea why they’re named that way. Go ask my boyfie! Lol.. :mrgreen:


P.S. I know how much you guys love giveaways, have you joined Steph’s blog giveaway?! If you haven’t, click here!

Stay wicked!
