Look 342: Blue Baby Blue

In 365 Look Challenge, Fashion by Wicked Ying

Look 342

Blue Baby Blue

Tank top, Forever 21. Studded shorts, PINKaholic. Braided belt, Folded and Hung. Blue platforms, Love Jen. Necklace, Bubbles.


Beating the summer heat with my summer staples, tank tops and shorts. 

Layering is something that I’ve challenged myself to incorporate in my looks but with the hawt weather, I’m stripping down to basics. Excuse my lame excuse.. Haha! I’m even drawn to wearing colors.. What’s this craze all about? Dayum!! 🙄

I’m even tempted to chop my hair off! Oh how long they’ve grown.. You’re looking at two years and no trim here!

Alright, weird things cross your mind when your brain is fried. Now don’t get me wrong, I love the sun for it makes me 1000000x more alive and alert and basically do what I do… Yeah! :mrgreen:

I hardly had the chance to wear some of my colorful shoes so now’s the good time to test drive these babies out. It surprises me that I’m not walking with shaky knees the moment I’ve put these kicks on.. Aaah, the magic of platforms and wedges combined!


I finished off with work early last night so I got me some extra time blog hopping and replying my “thank yous” to my Lookbook comments. Prepared my photos up ahead for today’s post and edited my CDO shopping haul photos. I got a lot of pending posts up my sleeves but it takes one post at a time.. That’s what they call, mahina ang kalaban. 😕

Another week has started.. Mondays are love but they also synonymous with another stressful week ahead of me!


Stay wicked!
