Look 326: High Low

In 365 Look Challenge, Fashion by Wicked Ying

Look 326

High Low

Gold spangled top and red high-low skirt, PINKaholic. Peeptoe heels, SM Parisian. 


Noticed anything new?! Let me rephrase it, noticed anything that’s made a comeback? It’s my theme! My blog’s back to its old look again! Woohoo! Didn’t realize how I missed the whole look and feel of it until now. It was theme-less for almost a week and that made me lazy to do blog post or even write a lengthy chitchatty notes. But all is good now thanks to Charcoal Monkey! 😉

 This is my second option for my nursing night look. Well, my first option actually until boyf thought I should change to a more toned down look. So I end up wearing Look 325 instead. And of course, yesterday’s shoes have boy’s stamp of approval. He’s getting used to all my weird kicks now. Teehee! 😈

Now about this look, I don’t know if this is too Christmas-y for you. With the combination of gold and red, it screams holiday wear to me. Or maybe Valentine? Either way, that didn’t stop me from grabbing this red skirt. This also comes in blue and black. Don’t have any idea where or when I’d wear this out but still, it’s too nice and unique to give it a pass. 

(Excuse the orange nail polish!)

Minimal accessories. My top has all the glitz. 

How I love outdoors!!!

What do you think?


I went out with boyf and the Dy sisters today (at Big Flat Bread Butuan) to grab a pizza, talk business stuff, and catching up with Steph. We haven’t seen each other for more than a week now and it only means one thing, a lengthy list of things to talk about. Talk about chika galore! Haha! And oh, it rained. Booooo!!! I’m starting to worry again. Can’t summer come any sooner? Honestly, I’m sick of this rainy weather we’re having here!! 👿

Here we are! Haha! Happy Saturday! 😆


Stay wicked!
