Look 303: Skills and Bones

In 365 Look Challenge, Fashion by Wicked Ying

Look 303

Skills and Bones

Oversized shirt, Skills and Bones. Harness boots, HeelandSole. Accessories, Forever 21.


I don’t have the skills but I got the bones. Haha!

Another lazy post calls for a lazy outfit. I got no looks to wear on this shoot sooooo I used boyf’s shirt! Lol! One of the stuff I bought him while we’re in Cebu, too bad it didn’t fit him. 😥

Have you tried an oversized shirt look before? How did it go?!

My look was all black and white. I experimented on the presets slightly. It’s helpful whenever I cram to edit my photos. I think it looks okay. Whatcha think?! 🙄

It was the print that got me sold to buy this shirt. Coolio! 😆 Tempted to buy myself one that time but I resisted. I rarely wear shirts nowadays. Tsk!

Colored version!


Anyhooo, rain and sunshine went on an all out battle today. I feel like my body (and my head!)would explode with the ever changing weather. It’s so unpredictable, I scolded myself silently on not bringing a jacket or cardigan with me. As I have said yesterday, it was Dagkot Festival in Cabadbaran, so we went there to my uncle’s place. Sure enough, food and booze was served. And I’m writing this now half-sober, half-drunk if there’s such a thing like that. Weirdo! Lol!

Til next post…

Stay wicked!
