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Have a Wicked Holiday!
Metallic oversized sweater, WAGW. Leather shorts, SDY PINKaholic. Harness boots, HeelandSole.
Busy this holiday season eh? But of course, everyone is! 😈
The way to celebrate the season is thru wearing metallics. Yezz!
I know you’re kinda busy this time of the night so I’m keepin’ this post short as possible. Teehee!
Letting you see how “oversized” the sweater is. I like it! Whatcha think?! 🙄
Believe me when I say that these harness booties are a MUST-HAVE! I’ve already convinced a couple of fellow bloggers to buy themselves a pair. So far, all feedbacks positive! 😉
Amber’s not around. Guess who made a special appearance on this set? *drumroll please*
It’s a STRAY CAT! 😆
That’s about it for my Christmas eve’s post. Heeee! The so-called Noche Buena came too early here at boyf’s place. Wish I could show you guys a peek at our lechon just for the heck of it. Haha! So yeah, now I got an uber full stomach and as per usual, I’m currently experiencing the baboy syndrome. Trying so hard not to doze off any minute! 😕
Have a wicked holiday!
Wicked Ying signing off….