Look 252
Red Blazer
Everything I’m wearing, PINKaholic. Peeptoe brogues, Asianvogue.
Saving the best for last. Dint upload this one yesterday, coz I don’t feel like uploading looks in the afternoon. Lol!
I sooo love this red blazer. Too bad it got sold out pretty quick. And everything else, I guess it’s still available. I’m not sure though, you just have to check out their page.
I was a bit hesitant wearing socks with all these. I figured it would look “too busy”. And again, I’m proven wrong. Turns out, wearing socks made a difference in setting off the desired vibe. 😉
Do I look pissed? As in this: :-x?
I look like I was about to kill the photographer. Lol! This is me making a serious face (normal face). Okay now see, I’m not a big fan of smiling or giving off that happy/in the mood temperament. For some reasons, I think I look better in a blank stare.
FYI This isn’t “all” of my hair. They added up some fake bun on top of my real hair bun. So there you go!
Last look for the Pinka shoot, I’m back to my everyday posts! I’ll be cramming for looks pretty soon (not again!).
The holiday’s fast approaching. I don’t even get why a lot of people are excited for Christmas. Looking back, I’m much more excited with the New Year compared to the Christmas part. Haha! I don’t know. I just sleep on Christmas eve. Enough blabbing! 🙄
Stay wicked!