Look 231
I’m Seeing Stars
Drapey top and star printed shorts, PINKaholic. USA flag heels, Asianvogue. Accessories, Forever 21.
Too much stars in an outfit isn’t really that bad of a thing no? I swear the stars on my denim shorts and the ones on my shoes are close to being identical. Yeah, like they came from the same sheet of fabric. Lol! Since both my shoes and bottom wear are all busy with prints, I opted to go for the plain colored top but somewhat up to par when it comes to aesthetics. So here goes the lightweight drapey top. Yay! Can’t believe I get to grab some more pieces before all the Knitting Pretty collection immediately went sold out. Finally, my knitting lust was pacified with the said collection. I’ll get by this cold season fo sho’! Haha!
Outdoor photos might have to hibernate as of the moment. Can’t help but sigh when the days are all gloomy and stuff. I have a few indoor photo concepts that I’m cooking up. Yes, I searched around for some pegs. Hopefully, it’ll turn out good. Must charge up with the strobe lights and some other set up too. I don’t care that much about the “exif” and “strobist” info though, I’ll leave that up to boyfie. Teehee! 😈
Can somebody teach me other poses? I feel like I’ve been doing the same thing over and over and over again!
Woohoo!!! Can’t believe what I got in my e-mail. At first, I thought it was another spammy message but I opened it anyways. I got an invite from a Mega Magazine and Prive Style Series event called Summer Flights of Fancy. It is a special preview of Siya Designs’ for Spring/Summer 2012 collection. Want to get a peek on what’s it all about? Click here for the video teaser.
Happy as I can be, I don’t think it’s possible for me to attend though. Yeah, issues with airfare, where to stay and just about everything. I politely declined the invite stating I’m too far from Manila. The PR was kind enough saying that maybe in some future events it’ll be realized. I feel awfully sad. That would’ve been another event that I’d be hype to blog about. Boohoo! 😥
Why am I not in Manila???? I ask myself this question the entire afternoon. Then, I slept it off. Haha! And I just remembered, Bloggers United 2 is just around the corner too. Dang! 🙄
Stay wicked!