Look 228: Motorcycle Diaries

In 365 Look Challenge, Fashion by Wicked Ying

Look 228

Motorcycle Diaries

Top, Topshop. Studded shorts, from Steph. Leopard scarf, PINKaholic. Harness boots, HeelandSole. Accessories, Forever 21.

Monochrome ftw! Second photo reminds me of Camille Co’s signature pose. I didn’t do it on purpose. I’m just born with scoliosis. Sooooo whatcha think?! Lol! :mrgreen:

Last look for the Photo Diaries collab. I do not have the slightest idea why it is called the Motorcycle Diaries. Prolly because of the biker inspired look + the Photo Diaries name. But that’s just a far-out hunch. Not sure….really!

Anyway, about the look, at long last I got to wear my Topshop cropped shirt that I got at half the price. I cannot believe how these types of brands carry such price range. It’s irrational to a point that even this simple shirt would cost PHP1500. Well, as for me, I bought it because of it’s 50% discount. Whatev! I complain too much ayt?! 🙄

Details, details, and some more details. 😉

Here’s the colorful version. Steph took this one. She knows Photoshop better than moi!

Rad right?! 😈

Anyhoooo, I’m about to write an article about organic clothing. Nope, not for this blog but for my work. What do you guys know about it?! I have a week to conduct some research and create a good article that’ll pass by my boss’s taste. I don’t know where to start. Seriously, I’m serious! Haha!

Another photoshoot, another collab. You’ll find out soon. Hope I could get up early and stay up late tomorrow coz it’s Sunday, my unofficial cramming-for-work day! 

Stay wicked!
