Look 216: It’s Black and It’s White

In 365 Look Challenge, Fashion by Wicked Ying

Look 216

It’s Black and It’s White

Wide crop top, Freeway. Highwaist denims, from Steph. Tasseled booties, SM Parisian. Cateye sunnies.

In love with these highwaisted shorts. It’s perfect! One of my faves that I love to use and abuse… :mrgreen:

Another boring casual look. Dang! I seriously need to revamp my whole outfit/looks and maybe experiment with excessorizing too. Think think think!!!

Anyway, I finished the PFW photos. I only chose a few, most were blurry or simply too far that you cannot see the details. I wish I brought the 70-200mm lens but that would mean extra weight and extra baggage. Not good especially when you’re strolling all day in 5.5-inch booties right?! So now I have to settle for those several shots. It’s the overall experience that counts. 😉

It’s Monday! Yay!! I’m the only one who’s happy when it’s the start of the week. Why? While some of you gets their lazy butts off to work, it’s my day off from work. Teehee!

Thanks for the kind blog comments yesterday, you guys know who you are. Thanks to my tweet buddies who keep me from getting bored and sleepy last night too. 😉

Will be out with Steph again tonight. I loooove Meet Up Mondays! I get to wear my heels again, yay!!

Stay wicked!
