Look 203: Dots Again!

In 365 Look Challenge, Fashion by Wicked Ying

Look 203

Dots Again!

Vintage-y dress, Dimmy’s. Purple suede pumps, thrifted. Braided belt, Folded and Hung. Geeky specs, Ray Ban.

I’m back again. Nothing new, same old same.

Rockin’ out another polka dot item!

Speaking of old, I decided to post this vintage dress for a change. Love the flow of the bottom part, it’s quite frilly! It fits right and the length is perfect. If it would’ve been longer, I would look like a granny. AND, if it’s shorter, then it’s not so vintage looking at all. This one’s for sale. Click on the shop’s link above for details.

I thrifted this purple suede pumps for only PHP100 or so. Coolie!!!

Last night was definitely a blast with Steph! Meet up Mondays are the best! Aside from the fact that my Mondays are fun because it’s my day off from work, it’s also our hangout day. We’re working girls remember?! So as much as we’d love to bond and all, we’ve got separate stuff to attend to. 🙄

We dined at our fave place. And I must admit, I voraciously ate white fettucine, garlic bread, and a tall glass of mint latte. Teehee! I was sooo tweaked last night that even if Steph and I went home, we’re still wide awake texting each other. That coffee was caffeine-loaded ideed!!! 😯

I’ve been stressing myself lately on what to bring to Manila. I’ve been worried about what kicks to bring, what outfits to wear, and things like that. Excited to meet up with fellow bloggers too. We’ve been tweeting about meet ups since forever!

Our e-tickets are ready! PFW 2011 here we come!!!

Stay wicked!
