Look 173
Florals and Braids
White basic tank top, H&M. High waisted floral shorts. Braided belt, Folded and Hung. Bandage wedges ala JC Dipper, Love Jen.
Hello wicked people! Another day, another look. I only have one photo for this look (the battery died while doing the shoot) so I tried on ways to stitch all this together. Did it work?
How was your day? I spent my hours sleeping. Yes, sleeping. Now I’m overdosing myself with coffee and coffee candies (Kopiko or XO?) just to finish the pile of work that accumulated this entire week.
Anyhoo, is it me or am I becoming chronically addicted with floral shorts? Lol!! As for bottoms, anything that is highwaisted or floral catches my keen eye. It screams MUSTHAVE! 😈 Another one, forgive me for overusing this certain braided belt. They’re cute and they go with any type of look.
On another note, fellow fashion bloggers are experiencing this certain malware that infected my website a few weeks ago. I thought it has something to do with WordPress or perhaps my webhosting service. Aisa Ipac’s blog was infected too despite the Bloggr platform she’s using. Therefore, my hunch was wrong. They said it happens when your site gains lots of traffic or something like that.
Beware fellow bloggers, lots of malwares are waiting for a chance to inject your blog with their stupid stuff. Be careful with external apps you’re using too. And uhm, once infected, report it to Google asap! 😉
Stay wicked!