Look 145: The Long Weekend

In 365 Look Challenge, Fashion by Wicked Ying

Look 145

The Long Weekend

Peter pan collar lace top, thrifted. Beige skorts, Chu’s. Yellow double strap wedges, Love Jen.

It’s the first time I get to use this yellow wedges for my looks. I’ve been using them on my casual night out here in the city. They’re pretty comfy, I can’t deny it! Haha! 😉

Everyone’s going gaga over the long weekend. The holidays are extended until Tuesday, not sure though. Just got back from our day trip at Amontay Beach Resort with Charcoal Monkey‘s family. Whew! It felt good to quit work and sneak in some time for some R & R. Food, drinks, beach, it’s all fun! Now we’re back home and I’ll be back working again. Sad I know, but I still got 5 hours to burn tonight. 😥

Got to go wicked people!
