Look 143: The Wild Child

In 365 Look Challenge, Fashion by Wicked Ying

Look 143

The Wild Child

Cropped top, Chikasfashionista.  High waisted shorts, DIY. Wedge booties, Love Jen.

Hello Look 143! Cute number ain’t it? Teehee! Posting a look early on since I’ll be out of  the internet’s lure today. I’ll be covering a shoot with me doing all the photography stuff. Yes, this time I’ll be the one behind the lenses. I hope I honed my skills enough for the photos to turn out well. Geez! 😕


And as for the LOTD, I’m starting to love this certain pair of denim shorts. It used to be the pants I wear every so often in high school. When I found it again, I simply grabbed the scissors and cut it to the desired length (or shortness?).  The top? Got it kinda free from a friend. I asked her to help me sell some of my stuff, and in return I get to choose whatever she has for sale. Coolie! 😉

Will you like my looks on enstyle? Puhleeze?! Click here. Thankee! :mrgreen:

Gotta goes.. I’ll catch up tomorrow!

I got a new set of photos.. I was able to shoot a few shots indoors with the black backdrop. Yay! 
