Look 143
The Wild Child
Cropped top, Chikasfashionista. High waisted shorts, DIY. Wedge booties, Love Jen.
Hello Look 143! Cute number ain’t it? Teehee! Posting a look early on since I’ll be out of the internet’s lure today. I’ll be covering a shoot with me doing all the photography stuff. Yes, this time I’ll be the one behind the lenses. I hope I honed my skills enough for the photos to turn out well. Geez! 😕
And as for the LOTD, I’m starting to love this certain pair of denim shorts. It used to be the pants I wear every so often in high school. When I found it again, I simply grabbed the scissors and cut it to the desired length (or shortness?). The top? Got it kinda free from a friend. I asked her to help me sell some of my stuff, and in return I get to choose whatever she has for sale. Coolie! 😉
Will you like my looks on enstyle? Puhleeze?! Click here. Thankee!
Gotta goes.. I’ll catch up tomorrow!
I got a new set of photos.. I was able to shoot a few shots indoors with the black backdrop. Yay!