Look 137: Bow on My Head

In 365 Look Challenge, Fashion by Wicked Ying

Look 137

Bow on My Head

What I’m wearing is still part of Pinkaholic’s latest collection.

I love this collection so much that I ended up buying almost every top that fitted me, including the scallop shorts (I’ve been dying to have a pair of shorts with this kind of cut), and a pair of  polka dot pants (will post a look wearing them soon). With more than 10 items purchased, I wonder how I could possibly wear them all. I still haven’t had the chance to wear the stuff I bought from the previous collections, namely Worn to be Wild and Bright Lights. 

Anyhoo, I’ll be busy busy tonight. Might do a some sort of “late night shoot” but not with outfits. I’m talking about taking some snaps of my new babies. Charcoal Monkey and I have an idea in mind, playing with lights. Lights, lights and more lights.

Bokeh + shoes = epic photo! I hope you get my point on this one. Promise to have the “I’m on a shoe high” pose with each pair.  😉

More posts on cue with missing photos… (sigh) Plus, I got 4 (maybe 5 not sure) new shoes in transit! Teehee!

Looks like I’ll be on a shoe high for quite a while.
