Look 118: It Was A Friday Night

In 365 Look Challenge, Fashion by Wicked Ying

Look 118

It Was A Friday Night

Animal print tank top, Pinkaholic. Blue skinny denims, Penshoppe. Gray suede pumps, Forever 21.

So here’s what I wore last Friday. Yep! I was out on a Friday night, which happens rarely that’s why I make a big deal out of it (kinda!). I did not wear these stilettos though, I wish I did. I opted for my ever beloved wedges just because I think they’re more comfortable to walk into than pumps. OR maybe I should go find a pair that fits me perfectly without asking some half corks for help! 😈 Errrr, thoughts like such makes me envious of those girls who have “generic” shoe sizes. Dang! How I wish my feet weren’t this miniature! Haha!

A weird pose. I don’t know where this came from! Haha! 😈  

Will be out today. Busy Monday! Nope, I’m not going out on a thrifting adventure. I’m doing this certain “cost cutting” because we might go out of town anytime this month. Yay!

Anyhoo, I’ll be out with fellow blogger Sssteph later this evening. We do not have the slightest idea where we’ll go. So, I think that’s it!


:mrgreen: Â