Look 100: Three Digits Now

In 365 Look Challenge, Fashion by Wicked Ying

Look 100

Three Digits Now

Mocha reversible tank top, Pinkaholic. Denim cutoffs, Closet Inventory. Brown woven belt, Chikasfashionista. Wooden clogs, bought in 138 Cebu.

Yes, 100th look! Yey!  :mrgreen:

So Look 99 just got flagged TWICE! And I hated Lookbook for that matter..and I did not bother reposting it for the third time. That would be too much!

What I’m literally wearing today. I’d still say that these denim shorts are LOVE! Thank you Nawe for this pair! Even with the simplest look, I still get the weirdest stares. I’d like to shake their shoulders and ask them what the heck is wrong!  😈

Sunny afternoon calls for an outdoor shoot so hurray for that! That’s the reason I’m all smiles!

Hello outtake… Unsharp almost candid look! :mrgreen:

Wicked Ying’s gotta rush!

Sorry for the late post I was busy doing something.. You’ll know about it soon.. Toodles for now! 😈