Look of the Day — Look who’s wearing white on white! Is it time to wean ourselves from darker colors? Hmmm… I guess so! Let us all forget the Labor Day taboo that is associated with wearing white, shall we? I am reorienting myself again with the said color. Wait, is white even a color? Lol!
White collarless buttondown top, AHAI Shopping. White tweed shorts, WAGW. Tan slingback heels, People are People. Ankle cuffs, Rock with U. Envelope bag, SM Parisian.
I’m afraid of white. There, I said it. Not quite sure if I’m afraid of it or fed up with it because we all know I’ve worn them my entire college life. Two words: not fun. My clumsy self would get my uniform scrunched up in dirt before the day ends. Truth be told, it is not the most practical choice. You have to prepare yourself with tissue (lots of em), dry and wet ones. Dry for wiping the chairs before taking a seat and the wet tissues for removing the stains. Okay, enough about that! Bottomline, be careful when wearing it.
I don’t know if it is a rule that everyone follows but I noticed that most often than not, white clothes are always paired with tan/neutral heels. Don’t believe me? Check out this article HERE. Weird right?
This top is a steal at $9.99! I dig the not-so-typical collar thing. It’s definitely something new.
The trick to wearing white? Experiment with the fabrics and textures. Here, I’ve worn a chiffon top with my tweed shorts. Subtle details count but that’s just me.
Anyway, this was my no-brainer outfit last week (except for the sky high heels of course). I went out with Steph for our late night milk tea sesh.
Hope you like today’s look!
Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram, username: wickedying
Stay wicked!