I have been online most of the time checking for updates about the strongest typhoon that hit the country aka Yolanda/Haiyan. Reading article after article and watching the news makes me want to do something. I know there’s got to be something we can do. If you can read this post, then yes, you can help! It doesn’t matter which part of the globe you’re from, you can help save lives.
Today, I saw a status that said, “Undangi inyu pag ampo unya sugdi ug putos ang hinabang nga ato DAPAT ipadala sa kaigsuonan nato” or to translate it in a rather concise manner — stop praying and start doing something like packing relief goods for those who need our help. It made sense, to me at least. I know I could do my part the best way I know how and that is through the use of social media.
I could just imagine how hard it was for the victims to brave the heavy rain, relentless winds, and discovering the destructive aftermath. Not only that, living off for days without food, water, electricity, and shelter made it worse. Who could blame them if they resort to looting? You might think it only happens in movies but no, it’s real.
I’ve seen first hand images (from 032’s blog) of the storm’s wrath. Uprooted trees as well as blown off roofs were a common sight.
It would be hypocritical of me to sit here and do nothing. The areas affected are literally just hours away from where we are located. We were fortunate enough to have been spared. Now I am writing this article hoping to inspire people to share. There’s a lot more you can do than just saying “Pray for……”.
I’ve coordinated with a few of my friends in Cebu. They’re volunteering at UP Cebu’s Yolanda Relief Drive. If you need more info or you have goods/cash to donate, you can leave a message on my Facebook page to coordinate. As of now, they are in dire need for more rice and basically everything in the formula below:
Donate. Volunteer. Help. Let’s make use of our time and be productive by raising awareness about relief operations. I’ve collated info on how we can send aid, you can check them below:
You can also send donations to Philippine Red Cross through various online transfers: http://www.redcross.org.ph/donate
A friendly reminder to the netizens, please hashtag properly. Save lives.
No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted. -Aesop