It Ends Tonight

In Fashion, Look of the Day by Wicked Ying



Look of the Day — Who would’ve thought maxi dresses can be for petite girls too? The dress seemed to fit just right, stretchy and comfy enough to let you move without any constriction. Teehee!



“Your subtleties
They strangle me
I can’t explain myself at all.
And all the wants
And all the needs
All I don’t want to need at all.

The walls start breathing
My mind’s unweaving
Maybe it’s best you leave me alone.
A weight is lifted
On this evening
I give the final blow.

When darkness turns to light,
It ends tonight
It ends tonight..”



White maxi dress, FEMMEX. Studded bag, Maxene’s Closet. Arm candy, Craftydetails. Heels, Forever 21. Eyeglasses, Bershka.


Let me start this post by saying that I hope everyone is okay and safe after the earthquake occurrence yesterday. Central Visayas was badly affected and we felt it here in Mindanao too. I woke up in the middle of my sleep when the ground started shaking and living on the 2nd floor made it pretty worse. Be safe. As what a good friend had advised, duck – cover – and hold (whatever that means, I never paid attention on school drills)! 


My friends and well, you guys included might think I’m stuck in the past for correlating old songs with my posts but trust me,  I’m not. My brain has to have this certain playlist in which the songs are actually sing-able if you know what I mean! I seriously think I cannot sing lyrics in my head with the this generation’s songs except for Lana del Rey’s so the old ones are subconsciously on repeat. I’m into it that much I find myself typing in albums on Pirate Bay and downloading them just to add it up to my phone. Lol! 

All American Rejects was around when I was in high school. Maroon5 wasn’t so pop that time too and I was crushing on the Good Charlotte twins. Those were ‘the’ songs of my time and I don’t seem to feel embarrassed about it so sue me. I was playing this particular song on YouTube and of course, how could I forget Tyson Ritter’s piercing blue eyes. I was scanning through the comments and I found one that said he looked like Walter Jr. from Breaking Bad. Oh no, you did not just diss my teen crush! If you’re curious about it, then watch the vid HERE (while reading the rest of the entry if you like). 


Now about today’s look, here’s another white option for you — a full length maxi dress. I think it can be worn whatever the season is, be it summer or fall. What do you think?


Thank you Maxene’s Closet for the new bag. I dig this speedy type bag because I can practically stuff everything in it especially when you’re in a rush. This has become my everyday go-to bag since the day I got it. Check out their page or if you’re lucky, you might see their stall in one of the bazaars held in Manila.


Stilettos are killers. They’re really painful! I’ve worn these once on a night out and I can’t feel my feet the next day. That’s how painful it was!


Shoes. Every girl needs a neutral pair of heels (and more). It’s one of my if-it-fits-buy-it-in-every-color moment since I bought the black version of these as well. Oops!


I’m giving away free tix at the Bazaar for all Seasons this coming November. Check out my previous post!


Stay wicked!
