Industrial Revolution

In Fashion, Look of the Day by Wicked Ying

Industrial Revolution

Scarf print top and leather shorts, PINKaholic. Studded/spike loafers, Heur Sheen.


Look of the Day — Well, maybe yesterday. Heee! A quick night strobing stint is apt for a good roll up door we found near my place. This was my LOTD yesterday and I became an instant sample before boyfie’s turn to pose. Yep, I was a photographer for the night. I was feelin’ it. Lol! 😆


 I must admit that I don’t look in all of the photos here! Hate! 

Details…. That’s my used and abused fringe bag. I bring it with me everyday; carries all the essentials!

I’m super digging my new shoes. Thank goodness for free stuff! Thanks Sheen Di for this bad ass pair! 😈  


And here is le boyfriend’s pic. Hello DJ CHRCLMNKY! Hey hey hey, I took this photo… Proud much? Haha! 😆



Stay wicked!
