Hello hello… How was everyone’s weekend? Mine was pretty busy due to the BU4 event. I must say, it is nice to catch a break every now and then. It isn’t something that came out as a result of happenstance, it’s a planned trip. Being out of the internet for 5 days straight made me fidgety; I keep thinking how my blog is doing and that I miss writing posts and stuff like that. Soooo, I decided to make a random post out of sheer boredom today. I do not have any outfit shots at the moment so I’m hoping this would suffice. My pending outfits are piling up, somebody take my photos! Lol!!
Can’t wait to share with you my Bloggers United experience. If you have photos (with me) at the event, tag me on Facebook or Twitter so I could make a collage of us…wicked people! Teehee!
Stay wicked!