When @megastyleph tweeted me this: “Congratulations, MARIEL W. of @wickedying! You are our Style Correspondent for @mega_magazine‘s 20 Most Stylish event! http://megastyle.ph/news/and-the-winner-is“, my jaw just dropped. I had to pick it up from the floor and blink my eyes a hundred times! It is human nature to be in a state of disbelief until you’ve seen it for yourself. In my case, I had to click the link attached just to shrug of those skeptic thoughts.
And so I’ve read the full article…. I immediately replied to all ‘congratulatory’ tweets of my friends. That’s when it sank in. Yes, I’m officially MEGA Magazine’s 5th Style Correspondent. Again, I couldn’t be any happier. To be in line with established bloggers, it is definitely an honor. I feel lucky! Apart from that, being able to interview some of the most stylish women in the country, that’s like a dream come true right?!
From sending a photo entry to their contest out of sheer curiosity to being one of the finalists to being the winner, it was quite a long stretch. I really think I owe everyone a ‘Thank you!’ just because I wouldn’t reach over a thousand votes if it weren’t for them. THANK YOU! 😉
March has been indeed great! Looking forward to a more adventurous month this coming April!
Stay wicked!