I’m a Victim of Vandalism

In Fashion, Look of the Day by Wicked Ying


Look of the Day — Dress + tights, why not?!


“I wasn’t born yesterday 
I’ve succumb to your wicked ways
So I’m movin’ up, up and away
up, up and away, up, up and away
Seem to think I’m your property
And your misconduct is trashing me.
Now I’m searching for the debris,
for the debris, for the debris.

I’m a victim of vandalism 
’cause you covered me in grafitti
I’m a victim of vandalism 
Since you left your mark on me..”


Black skull print dress, ZLZ. Black tights, OASAP. Lita boots, Jeffrey Campbell. Ring, Sgt. Sailor.



The lyrics “I’ve succumb to your wicked ways” caught my attention. I think it is just plain wrong though. The lyrics intrigued me, yes. And so they say it is all about knowing your place. However, being such a pushover can add up to the circumstance. Life’s a rollercoaster and maybe we just have to take things as they are. Take a break, breathe.


Black. I wasn’t quite sure how it would turn out but adding tights in the mix is simply a no-fail choice for a short dress. It’s not your ordinary LBD so I made a not so ordinary decision of pairing it with boots/tights instead of pumps or strappy sandals.

And speaking of dress, it does remind me of graffiti which explains the choice of title. It is one of my fave tracks in Porter Robinson’s album and I never fail to sneakily play it everytime I get a dj-ing stint while boyf’s somewhere. Haha! 😛


So what do you think?


So this look is still part of my keeping up with the backlogs posts. Trying to pick up my blogging pace since I got back from our trip and my procrastination seemed to be at an all time high this week so we’ll see.


This dress from ZLZ has an interesting mix of satin-y cloth and print. This ring is love too!


Bad hair day, huh?



Stay wicked!
