How To Pack Light and Still Look Fabulous on Vacation

In PR, Travel by Wicked Ying

Cloud9 Siargao

Hello everyone! With the weather starting to heat up, it is clear that summer is on the way, and with that comes vacation time. Yay! While it is fantastic to be able to up sticks and get away for a few days, the problem we always have with vacations is packing. Yep, I am an avid overpacker and I bet you are as well. Lol!

This dilemma stems with our love for fashion and accessorising. I struggle to pick which outfits to take on vacation as I just want to take them all. Thus, overpacking. This year, I have decided things will be different. I will learn how to pack light and so should you. Here is a guide to packing light for vacation while staying stylish:


Start with your suitcase


Packing Lightly for Travels

You might not realize this but your suitcase can weigh a lot even without any clothing in it. Some suitcases and holdalls can use up a third of your packing allowance when empty, which if you like your clothes and accessories, is not ideal. 

You can buy specialist lightweight suitcases that are ideal for the said trip as they allow you to fit a few more bits and bobs into your suitcase without going over the baggage limit.


Be wary of beauty bits


While beauty bits are essential for any trip, be aware that most items weigh more than you think. Instead of taking big bottles and tubs of your favourite products, opt for mini versions or decant a small amount of each product into mini containers.

If you are staying in a nice hotel, then a range of toiletries and beauty bits may be provided in your room for you. Of course, this depends on the individual hotel so it is always best to check in advance about this. If you specifically want a hotel that offers free beauty products, have a look on the Venere website to see the amenities each hotel offers. Do this before you book for a reservation.


Pack a capsule wardrobe


No choice but to pack light? A capsule wardrobe is the key to vacation success! You may not like the idea of leaving some of your favourite outfits at home but this trick is ideal not just for holidays abroad but also for ‘go light’ domestic flights.

The rule for packing a capsule wardrobe is three tops for every pair of trousers, shorts or skirt. The idea is that instead of packing your entire wardrobe you pick a few outfits that can be dressed up and dressed down as necessary. If you are heading to a hot country, leave your denim items at home. It will be too hot to wear them and sadly, your favourite pair of jeans are rather heavy. Opt for lightweight trousers, skirts, dresses, and shorts instead. Ideally you want to chose items that can be teamed with anything.

As for shoes, three pairs of shoes should do for a week’s worth of vacay. Pack a pair of your favourite:

  • Neutral heels because they can seriously go with any OOTD
  • Pumps that work well with any casual look
  • Flats or flipflops are also essential for strolling around


With these simple tips serving as your guide, packing for your next travel destination shouldn’t be a problem anymore!