Garden of Evil

In Fashion, Look of the Day by Wicked Ying



Look of the Day — Or should I say Look of the Night? Haha! I’m doing a quick post on what I wore to the FSUU Fuzzion event. It was a well-planned look so it would be a waste if I won’t blog about it. Photo-heavy post after the jump!


Black fitted top, Cotton On. Sequined bra + red high low skirt, PINKaholic. Customized heels, DAS. Quilted leather clutch, Mango. Rib necklace, OS.



Attending events and parties can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. You would want to look like you’ve made an effort with your look but you don’t want to look like everyone else. That’s the case I ran into when deciding what to wear to the said event. Believe it or not, Steph and I had to meet up and discuss our outfit. Funny thing is, when we both told each other our selected looks, we ended up picking the same choices yet again. Lol! Assymetrical skirt was our peg this time. We both agreed not to wear shorts because it’s a school event. Dress isn’t even an option for me because I don’t own that many except for the stuff Inlovewithfashion sent me. Long story short, it was crazy…but a good kind of crazy. Lol! 😆


Avoid looking too plain by adding up shiny pieces like a sequined bra. Likewise with the silver accessories. It’s one of the “weird but it works” moments.



On the day of the event, I forgot one important thing — my OS rib necklace. I’m clumsy and forgetful like that!


 High low skirt looks a tad bit formal but hey, at least I did not risk running into someone wearing the same clothes as mine. Haha! 


And like my usual “play safe” choices, I chose my DAS shoes. Just as I had thought, I’d be walking into the school premises with the familiar staircase. Having this irrational fear of heights include being scared of stairs, escalators, etc. Comfort and safety had to be prioritized first. It is creepy when your thoughts run wild thinking that you’d trip while treading on the staircase. Oh well!



Stay wicked!
